Category: weekly chop


Weekly-Chop34 ~Learn Japanese vocabulary~

Weekly-Chop34 Do you still remember CHOP lessons? Don't forget to review the vocabulary you learned. :) Check the link Angry 怒る【おこる】 Light Bulb 電球【でんきゅう】 Cardboard Box ダンボール箱【だんぼーるばこ】 Photo 写真【しゃしん】 Shake One’s Head 首を振る【くびをふる】 Pipe...

Weekly-Chop33 ~Learn Japanese vocabulary~

Weekly-Chop33 Do you still remember CHOP lessons two weeks ago? Don't forget to review the vocabulary you learned. :) Check the link Fat 脂肪【しぼう】 Lift 持ち上げる【もちあげる】 Trouble 迷惑【めいわく】 Match 試合【しあい】 Misunderstanding 勘違い【かんちがい】 Washing 洗濯【せんたく】...

Weekly-Chop32 ~Learn Japanese vocabulary~

Weekly-Chop32 Do you still remember CHOP lessons two weeks ago? Don't forget to review the vocabulary you learned. :) Check the link Expose 見破る【みやぶる】 Guide 案内【あんない】 A Cold 風邪【かぜ】 Wipe 拭く【ふく】 Filming 撮影【さつえい】 Dip...

Weekly-Chop31 ~Learn Japanese vocabulary~

Weekly-Chop31 Do you still remember CHOP lessons two weeks ago? Don't forget to review the vocabulary you learned. :) Check the link 風呂場【ふろば】 Stuffed Animal 【ぬいぐるみ】 Cold 寒い【さむい】 Potato 芋【いも】 Construction Site 工事現場【こうじげんば】 Rooftop...

Weekly-Chop30 ~Learn Japanese vocabulary~

Weekly-Chop30 Do you still remember CHOP lessons two weeks ago? Don't forget to review the vocabulary you learned. :) Check the link Bitter 苦い【にがい】 Tripod 三脚【さんきゃく】 Launch 発射【はっしゃ】 Burst out in Laughter 爆笑【ばくしょう】 Neat-Freak...

Weekly-Chop29 ~Learn Japanese vocabulary~

Weekly-Chop29 Do you still remember CHOP lessons two weeks ago? Don't forget to review the vocabulary you learned. :) Check the link Concentrate 集中【しゅうちゅう】 Exaggerate 盛る【もる】 Bitter 苦い【にがい】 Phone 電話【でんわ】 Sneeze【くしゃみ】 Sunrise 日の出【ひので】 Weekly-Chop29...
Learn Japanese vocabulary 28

Weekly-Chop #28 ~ Learn Japanese vocabulary 28 ~

Weekly-Chop #28 Learn Japanese vocabulary 28 Do you still remember CHOP lessons two weeks ago? Don't forget to review the vocabulary you learned. :) Check the link Snowscape 雪景色【ゆきげしき】 Suck Up 吸い取る【すいとる】 Ruin 台無し【だいなし】...

Weekly-Chop27 ~Learn Japanese vocabulary~

Weekly-Chop27 Do you still remember CHOP lessons two weeks ago? Don't forget to review the vocabulary you learned. :) Check the link Security Camera 監視カメラ【かんしかめら】 Savage 鬼畜【きちく】 Lipstick 口紅【くちべに】 Recorder 笛【ふえ】 (One’s) Moment 【おいしいところ】...

Weekly-Chop26 ~Learn Japanese vocabulary~

Weekly-Chop26 Do you still remember CHOP lessons two weeks ago? Don't forget to review the vocabulary you learned. :) Check the link Jackpot 大当たり【おおあたり】 Small Pieces 粉々【こなごな】 Electric Magnetic Waves 電磁波【でんじは】 Happy New Year...
study japanese

Weekly Chop #25 ~Learn Japanese vocabulary~

Do you still remember CHOP lessons two weeks ago? Don't forget to review the vocabulary you learned. :) Check the link Wallet 財布【さいふ】 Evening 夕方【ゆうがた】 Makeup 化粧【けしょう】 Ears 耳【みみ】 Common Courtesy 礼儀【れいぎ】 Salt 塩【しお】...