Trick 仕掛け【しかけ】Japanese Lesson #115
Published手品 には仕掛 けがある。突然 のことには対応 できない。サカモトは泣 いてしまった。
There is a trick to this magic. Sakamoto couldn’t deal with the sudden matter. He cried.
He was raised being told to take care of his money so…. by Sakamoto (tears)
Vocab Breakdown
手品(てじな):magic trick
仕掛けがある(しかけがある):to have a trick/mechanism/device (think of 仕掛け as method to accomplish something)
突然のこと:a sudden matter/issue
対応(が)できない:to not be able to deal with something/someone
泣く(なく):to cry
magic (trick) : 手品
sudden matter/issue : 突然の出来事
not be able to deal with something/someone : 対応できない
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