Barrage 連発【れんぱつ】Japanese Lesson #100


This time for the 100th CHOP, we made a special episode!  [ Barrage ]

Sakamoto took 100 non-stop body builder chops…

Thank you for watching CHOP everyday!


Sakamoto took a barrage of 100 chops to the chest, but he was unsatisfied that this time’s special appearance cost him 100 yen for such a dirty job.



He is paid 200,000 yen as a body builder.


Vocab Breakdown

連発(れんぱつ):a barrage, a series of blows (the word may change depending on what the method is. e.g. a series of punches, a barrage of missiles, a string of attacks, etc…)

受ける(うける):to receive something (tangible or non tangible)

今回(こんかい):this time

ギャラ:not really an equivalent word in English but it means the fee for someone to appear in something like a commercial or some sort of video.

に対する:to, in regards to…..grammar sucks

割に合わない(わりにあわない):a set expression meaning a shitty job, dirty work, etc…

納得する(なっとくする): literally to consent but basically any situation you can’t stand you can say 納得できない




a barrage of… , a series of …. : 英語で連発とは方法や手段によって単語が違います。
a series of strikes, 100 blows, a barrage of missiles などは全部連発と言う意味です。
とりあえず barrage が最も一般的だと思います。

chest : 胸、 収納箱、

this time :  今回

appearance costs, (fees) : 日本語ではよくギャラと言いますが、 英語でその一言はありません。

unsatisfied : 満足していない ⇔ satisfied, consent, accept : 満足する、 納得する

dirty work : 割りに合わない仕事



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