Baseball 野球【やきゅう】 Japanese Lesson #240


Sakamoto hit a home run in a baseball video game.
With that joy, he took a lap around town responding to people’s cheers.


He also hit a home run on his next at bat, but he continued to play the game as celebrating became troublesome.

Vocab Breakdown

野球(やきゅう) : baseball
ホームランを打(う)つ、本塁打(ほんるいだ)を打つ :
hit a home run
その嬉(うれ)しさで :
with that joy
町(まち)を一周(いっしゅう)する :
take a lap around town
市民(しみん)の声援(せいえん)に応(こた)える :
responding to people’s cheers



with that joy : その嬉しさで
take a lap around town : 町を一周する
responding to people’s cheers : 市民の声援に応える


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