Bike 自転車【じてんしゃ】Japanese Lesson #120


Sakamoto comes up with great ideas whenever he’s riding a bike.
The more he strips the more epiphanies he has.



The result is this video? ….


Vocab Breakdown

自転車に乗る(じてんしゃにのる):to ride a bike

良いアイデアが浮かぶ(いいあいであがうかぶ):to come up with a great idea

服を脱げば脱ぐほど . . .(ふくをぬげばぬぐほど . . .):the more one strips/ takes off their clothes the more …

何かがひらめく(なにかがひらめく):to have some kind of epiphany





come up with a great idea : 良いアイデアが思い浮かぶ

Whenever: ~な時はいつでも

ride a bike : 自転車に乗る

more one strips/ (takes of their clothes) the more . . .  : 脱げば脱ぐほど . . .

epiphany : ひらめき



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