Category: weekly chop

study japanese

Weekly Chop #24 ~Learn Japanese vocabulary~

Do you still remember CHOP lessons two weeks ago? Don't forget to review the vocabulary you learned. :) Check the link Inhale 吸い込む【すいこむ】 Brute Force 力ずく【ちからずく】 Package 荷物【にもつ】 Enclosing 同封【どうふう】 Invincible 無敵【むてき】 Good Spirits...
weekly chop23 japanese

Weekly Chop #23 ~Learn Japanese vocabulary~

Do you still remember CHOP lessons two weeks ago? Don't forget to review the vocabulary you learned. :) Check the link Horse 馬【うま】 Train 電車【でんしゃ】 To Stab 刺す【さす】 Intense 強烈【きょうれつ】 Naked 裸【はだか】 Treasure Chest...

Weekly Chop #22 ~Learn Japanese vocabulary~

Do you still remember CHOP lessons two weeks ago? Don't forget to review the vocabulary you learned. :) Check the link Important Scene 大事な場面【だいじなばめん】 To Peep 覗く【のぞく】 Strong 頑丈【がんじょう】 Purpose in Life 生きがい【いきがい】 End...

Weekly Chop #21 ~Learn Japanese vocabulary~

Do you still remember CHOP lessons two weeks ago? Don't forget to review the vocabulary you learned. :) Check the link To Loosen Up 【ほぐす】 Reunion 再会【さいかい】 Calculator 電卓【でんたく】 Unrelated 関係ない【かんけいない】 Flexible Part 1...

Weekly Chop #20 ~Learn Japanese vocabulary~

Do you still remember CHOP lessons two weeks ago? Don't forget to review the vocabulary you learned. :) Check the link To Suck In 吸い込む【すいこむ】 Bike 自転車【じてんしゃ】 To Crush 潰す【つぶす】 Tactics 作戦【さくせん】 Crab 蟹【かに】...

Weekly Chop #19 ~Learn Japanese vocabulary~

Do you still remember CHOP lessons two weeks ago? Don't forget to review the vocabulary you learned. :) Check the link Panty Thief Pt.3 下着泥棒3【したぎどろぼう】 Eraser 消しゴム【けしごむ】 Trick 仕掛け【しかけ】 Wig 【かつら】 Bright 【まぶしい】 To...

Weekly Chop #18 ~Learn Japanese vocabulary~

Do you still remember CHOP lessons two weeks ago? Don't forget to review the vocabulary you learned. :) Check the link Magnet 磁石【じしゃく】 Hypnosis 催眠術【さいみんじゅつ】 Job 仕事【しごと】 Spear 槍【やり】 Delinquent 【チンピラ】 Dry 乾燥【かんそう】  ...

Weekly Chop#17 ~Learn Japanese vocabulary~

Do you still remember CHOP lessons two weeks ago? Don't forget to review the vocabulary you learned. :) Check the link Medicine 薬【くすり】 To Wipe Your Butt ケツを拭く Wrestling Move プロレス技【ぷろれすわざ】 Special Skill 特技【とくぎ】...

Weekly Chop #16 ~Learn Japanese vocabulary~

Do you still remember CHOP lessons two weeks ago? Don't forget to review the vocabulary you learned. :) Check the link Magic Trick 手品 【てじな】 Titan 巨人【きょじん】 Greasy 油まみれ【あぶらまみれ】 Fishing 魚釣り【さかなつり】 Pop Fly 内野フライ【ないやふらい】...

Weekly Chop #15 ~Learn Japanese vocabulary~

Do you still remember CHOP lessons two weeks ago? Don't forget to review the vocabulary you learned. :) Check the link The Usual 【いつもの】 Seiza 正座【せいざ】 Headache 頭痛【ずつう】 Money Extortion カツアゲ【かつあげ】 Straight 真っ直ぐ【まっすぐ】 Glasses...