Goldfish Scooping 金魚すくい【きんぎょすくい】 Japanese Lesson #78
Publishedサカモトは金魚 すくいのポイを盗 んで、毎日 タバコの吸殻 を捨 てている。
Sakamoto throws out cigarette butts everyday by using the paper scoops for goldfish scooping he stole.
Vocab Breakdown
金魚すくい(きんぎょすくい):goldfish scooping (an activity you often see at Japanese festivals)
ポイ: the paper scoop they used to catch the fish
盗む(ぬすむ):to steal
毎日(まいにち): everyday
吸殻(すいがら):cigarette butts
捨てる(すてる):to throw away/dispose of something
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