Greasy 油まみれ【あぶらまみれ】Japanese Lesson #97


Sakamoto tried to answer his phone with his greasy hands, but it just slipped right out.



Afterwards he said the grease was delicious and was licking his phone.


Vocab Breakdown

油まみれ(あぶらまみれ):greasy (まみれ means to be covered/smothered in something)


電話を取る(でんわをとる):to answer one’s phone

ヌルっと滑る(ぬるっとすべる):to slip



greasy : 油まみれ、油っぽい

hand :

to answer the phone もしくは to take the call :  電話を取る、電話を出る

to slip:  滑る (ヌルっと言う表現は英語では特にありません)


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