Job 仕事【しごと】Japanese Lesson #109
Published真面目 に仕事 をしないサカモトは降格処分 になり、部屋 の隅 に追 いやられてしまった。
Sakamoto, who doesn’t take his work seriously, was demoted and shoved into a corner of the room.
This also doesn’t look like he’s taking his work seriously
Vocab Breakdown
真面目に仕事をする(まじめにしごとをする):to take one’s work seriously
降格処分になる(こうかくしょぶんになる):to be demoted (at work)
部屋の隅(へやのすみ):corner of a room
追いやられる(おいやられる):this verb basically means “to be forced into x or to be driven to x” both in the literally sense and figurative. Obviously this sentence uses the literal meaning of the word. It can be used like “forced out of business” or “brought to the brink of destruction” and stuff like that.
take one’s work seriously : 真面目に仕事をする
be / get demoted : 降格処分になる
corner of a room : 部屋の隅
shoved into: 押し込まれる ・・・隅に追いやるなどの場合はこの表現を使います
=forced into / driven to : 追いやられる(一般的にはこちら)
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