Lift 持ち上げる【もちあげる】 Japanese Lesson #198


Whenever Matt goes to the gym, the first thing he does is make a face as if he were lifting 100 kilo dumbbells.



It seems to be facial muscle training.


Vocab Breakdown

ジムに行くとまず最初に(じむにいくとまずさいしょに):whenever one goes to the gym the very first thing (they do is…..)
重さ100キロのダンベルを持ち上げているような顔をする(おもさ100きろのだんべるをもちあげているようなかおをする):to make a face as if one were lifting 100 kilo dumbbells


whenever one goes to the gym the very first thing (they do is…..): ジムに行くとまず最初に
to make a face as if one were lifting 100 kilo dumbbells : 重さ100キロのダンベルを持ち上げているような顔をする

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