To Peep 覗く【のぞく】Japanese Lesson #132


Sakamoto, pretending to be looking at the scenery outside, was actually peeping at the girl changing in the condo across the street. Thank you for the service.



In the end he just collected that 10,000 yen himself.


Vocab Breakdown

外の景色を見ているふりをする(そとのけしきをみているふりをする): to pretend to be looking at the scenery outside (verb + ふりをする = to pretend to verb)

向かいのマンション(むかいのまんしょん):a condo across the street, a condo on the other side

女性が着替えているのを覗く【じょせいがきがえているのをのぞく): to peep at a girl changing

ご馳走様です(ごちそうさまです):typically this phrase is used after you finish a meal and you want to pay respects to the person who made it. However, it can also be used in a vulgar way when someone catches sight of something very pleasing (almost always sexual). BE CAREFUL when using this outside of eating.



pretend to be looking at the scenery outside:外の景色を見ているフリをする(ふりをする=pretend to + 動詞)

a condo across the street/on the other side : 向かいのマンション

peep at a girl changing : 女性が着替えているのを覗く

Thanks for the service, thanks for the meal : ご馳走様・・・この場合はかなり訳しにくいですが「サービスを有難うございます」という言い方が自然だと思います。
食事あとのご馳走様は thanks for the meal 


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