Roll 転がす【ころがす】Japanese Lesson #118


“It’s too dirty and it’s gonna take some time with a linen roller”

Shima rolled Sakamoto who was wrapped in duck tape.



Sakamoto who’s head was spinning vomited and floor became unnecessarily dirty.


Vocab Breakdown

ゴミが多い(ごみがおおい)This can be interpreted as “there is a lot of trash” or “something is really dirty”. It depends on the context.

コロコロローラー:linen roller

時間がかかる(じかんがかかる):something takes time

粘着テープを巻く(ねんちゃくてーぷをまく):to wrap something in tape

ごろごろ転がす(ごろごろころがす):to roll something




too dirty : ゴミが多い(床にゴミがある場合)
there is a lot of trash, something is really dirty : ゴミ箱のゴミが多い場合

linen roller : コロコロローラー

take some time:時間がかかる

wrap ~ in tape : ~をテープで巻く



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