Souvenir お土産【おみやげ】 Japanese Lesson #67


The contents of what was thought to be a snack souvenir, was actually 3,000,000 yen. Sakamoto was full of regret and couldn’t sleep.


Vocab Breakdown


お土産(おみやげ): traditional

思いきや(おもいきや):used like A思いきやB to mean something like we thought/expected it would be A but actually it was B

中身(なかみ): contents, something that is inside something (almost always something tangible, 内容(ないよう) is used for intangible things)

現金(げんきん):cash (actual paper money or coins)

後悔する(こうかいする):to regret

寝る(ねる):to sleep

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