Cut 切る【きる】Japanese Lesson #87


Shige tried to surprise everyone by pretending he cut himself with a cutter but everyone just got angry at him for being noisy.

Vocab Breakdown


驚かす(おどろかす): to scare/surprise someone


指(ゆび): finger

切る(きる):to cut

~てしまう:used with a verb to carry the nuance of “regrettably” doing x. It’s a bit unnatural to translate it in words though so it’s just best to understand the nuance and leave it at that.

芝居(しばい):acting, pretending

うるさい:annoying, noisy

怒られる(おこられる):It’s important to note that the passive form is used a lot in Japanese but it’s a little unnatural to translate it as “he had people angry with him” when all it is conveying is “people were angry with him”

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