Trouble 迷惑【めいわく】 Japanese Lesson #199



Sakamoto always walks around carrying a thousand 100 yen coins.
He also only pays in 100 yen coins so he’s a quite a problematic customer.



It took him an hour afterwards to pick up all of his 100 yen coins. Yep, a terrible customer.


Vocab Breakdown

いつも100円玉を1000枚持ち歩く(いつも100えんだまを1000まいもちあるく):to always walk around carrying a thousand 100 yen coins
支払いも100円玉だけでとても迷惑な客(しはらいも100えんだまだけでとてもめいわくなきゃく):a problematic customer who also only pays in 100 yen coins.


to always walk around carrying a thousand 100 yen coins:  いつも100円玉を1000枚持ち歩く
a problematic customer who also only pays in 100 yen coins : 支払いも100円玉だけでとても迷惑な客

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